Monday, September 05, 2005
Warnings Ignored
National Geographic ran an article last year about the dangers of the levees failing in New Orleans (via Rudy). But also ran a stunningly accurate series of articles as long ago as 2002 that warned of the dangers a massive hurricane would pose for New Orleans. (via Doug Pagitt's blog)

A quote:

" Once it’s certain a major storm is about to hit, evacuation offers the best chance for survival. But for those who wait, getting out will become nearly impossible as the few routes out of town grow hopelessly clogged. And 100,000 people without transportation will be especially threatened."

Some articles to note:
  • Graphics depicting what would happen if a Level 5 Hurricane hit New Orleans
  • Levee weaknesses
  • The "Big One" could kill thousands the articles predicted
  • The article "Left Behind" predicted that 100,000 residents would be stuck in New Orleans

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