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Friday, May 23, 2003
Stephen pointed out that our archives don't go back past May for visitors of the blog. Just to keep it fresh on everyone's mine, here's the chapter outlines for Church®: A Disenfranchised Christian's View of Ecclesia Americanus--the book we're working on.

Here's are the chapter titles so far...

Chapter 1: McChurch: ecclessial franchises and the death of the christian community

Chapter 2: One Church, extra Cheese, please: Christian consumerism Pt 1

Chapter 3: The Christianity of Events: Christian consumerism Pt. 2

Chapter 4: Pastor®: ministry and the hired gun

Chapter 5: Paying Balaam: Money and the System

Chapter 6: the Kingdom...er Republic of God: Jesus and community Pt. 1

Chapter 7: The New Goal of Discipleship: The myth of "together" people

Chapter 8: Getting Good Head: Christian education & cerebral Christianity

Chapter 9: I Didn't Build It For Me: buildings, buildings, and more buildings

Whattaya think? Click here to drop me a line with your thoughts, comments, & suggestions!

Thursday, May 08, 2003
Jimmy and I are faced with the daunting challenge of attempting to fundamentally change an institution, specifically a private school, into a place that leads students into an experience of what it's truly like to live as the body of Christ (at least, that's what we've been led to believe we are trying to do). On the outset, it seems exciting. But I keep getting this sinking feeling...

All situations that have depth to them (meaning, anything more substantive than "What will I have for dinner?" or "Which hand will I use to scratch with?") usually has a Star Wars analogy. With that in mind:

In my current situation... I'm starting to wonder whether I am Luke Skywalker fighting the evil, seemingly immovable galactic empire, or if I'm the unwitting Senate of the Republic, who are cluelessly putting everything into place for the empire to take over.
Tuesday, May 06, 2003
soon....to be continued.
Only in America can someone become an icon of virtue and yet have no problem wasting thousands and millions of dollars on gambling.

We've learned to be good people, but not righteous people...and I'm not talking about that fundy righteous thing where you listen to the right music, wear the right t-shirts, and read the right Bibles. I'm talking about the righteousness that feeds the hungry, houses the homeless, and clothes the naked.

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