Monday, September 26, 2005
I Too Am A Sinner
Our resident Monk (Friar) in Training, Terry, has lot's of great insights on his blog. Here's part of one from last week:
They are referred to generally as the "Desert Fathers" and have left many
nuggets of wisdom behind for us to benefit by. I am hoping to post a
weekly (sort of) post concerning a quote from one of them and hope many of you
out there consider commenting on what you find. Br. Thomas Merton has
collected many of these quotes in his boot "The Wisdom of the Desert," should
you consider further study.

One of the Brethren had sinned and the Priest told him to leave the
community. So then Abbot Bessarion got up and walked out with him, saying: "I too am a sinner!"

Wow, I have never heard a more powerful image of Church/Monasitic
discipline. How powerful it would be if today's spiritual leaders would
leave with those who are cast out, and walk with them as the sinners we all
are. This is a powerful statement of love overcoming law and so very much
like the Christ I see in the Gospels.

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